Student Council Announces Poetry Contest Winners for Middle School and High School

Sandra Yanez's Poem
You stand by me through all stampedes
We like the K-pop band BTS
The Way we like bunnies
Our friendship is atoms
Because it will never break
When we say we will be there
We will always be there by each other
I stand by you because
I know you aren't fake like the Momo
Momo is scary but
When our friendship breaks it is the scariest
We tell each other our secrets
Even our deepest secretts that involve lies
I know I can trust you because
I have been with you over 10 years
I know we will continues our friendship
Because of our past and present.
Thank you dearly Xitlaly
JaBryson Crane's Poem
 To whom I dearly appreciate
For I have been placed; into the hands of a man who holds respect for not only myself, but for God. Alongside the mentality which poisoned me; I have founded a way to destruct myself, likewise have I founded a way to prosper, with your influence I have chosen to fly. Through the mouth of yours: the words of encouragement, strength, and love has seeped into the crevices of valleys of despair like sour syrup drying in the wounds of its carved tree. Connection stands firm between you and I. A father figure I acknowledged long before, a mentor of your students; that you are. The tears of your mentee have been deprived due to your impact in my life, for this I say, I am thankful today, to acknowledge you as a man who has proven from his actions; the truth in love.